Youth today
In my opinion the present day youth faces lot of challenges in their life. They find it hard to succeed not because of lack of talent,skill or knowledge but because of right direction. They lack good leaders, role models and motivation. They need motivation.
Recent News
I am shocked to hear in the recent news that a student studying in St.Joseph's Engineering college ,Old mahabalipuram [ Jeppiaar's College ] committed suicide . I was told that students were ill treated, severely punished, controlled , and they needed humanitarian consideration. I am afraid whether this sets a negative trend in the development of a country like India.
Students are Capable
When the Indian Democracy permits an adult of age 18 years to vote and gives the right to decide the leader of his place, he is equally able to think about his own.
Atleast after college admission he is able to think about his own development. He is capable of deciding his destiny. He can think and decide about his marks. He knowns what is good and bad about his education. What best a college can do is motivate the student in the right way if he does not care or think about his future. They can conduct workshops , development programs and bring the talent of the students to light.
What if we force to make a student work:
It is inappropriate to me that forcing a student willfully would produce a desired result.He would fetch marks not the knowledge.He would write assignments but not learn the content. The transformation has to be internal and not external.Forcing a person most often produces non fruitful results.It increases the stress levels and makes aversion in learning. I feel the about news could be the result of forcing a student beyond exterme limits .
How are the young student generation ?
I believe the present day students are extremely talented and their potential have no bounds. They are able to utlise the technology to the maximum possible extent,provide solutions to technical problems, compete with either of them position in any part of the globe in areas like science,technology, art, music, medicine and the list is end less.They form social network through internet, able to share their own ideas, comment on stuff, browse the related videos, form a forum and so on. Even student in the rural areas have acces to internet and communication.
What can be done ?
Students have their own problem . It is the management which has to play a role of facilator to the students.Giving guidance is more important than framing rigid rules.
There are schools which spell punishment,threatening as badword in their dictionary.Let the college mangement start think about it.Students have to be encouraged and never discouraged. They are the mighty weapon the country can have and directing them in a proper direction gives prosperous results.Who knows in a short span there may be an alumnus who could either be scientist who could probably win a noble prize, or a musician winning oscar, or a Bharat ratna like Dr .Abdul Kalam.